Lavinia Medeiros Miranda

Lavinia is a Software Engineer and holds a Master's Degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (UFRN) and a Bachelor's Degree in Systems Analysis and Development from the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (IFRN). She has experience working with software development and automated tests. Her research interests are topics related to Approximate Computing, Compilers, AI and Robotics. In her free time, Lavinia enjoys listening to podcasts, playing videogames, watching movies and live sports.

Research Interests

My research interests include topics related to Approximate Computing, Compilers, HLS, IoT, Edge Computing, IA and Robotics.

Positions - Career Profile

[2022 - present] Software Engineern at Cadence Design Systems, Belo Horizonte - MG/Brazil.

[2018 - 2019] Software Developer Intern at DIGTI/CONSINF - IFRN, Natal/Brazil.
Development of automated functional and usability tests. Implementation, documentation and maintenance of web system.
Used: Python/Django/Selenium/PostgreSQL

[2017 - 2018] Software Developer Intern at NAVI - IFRN, Natal/Brazil.
Documentation of automated functional and usability tests results. Maintenance of web system with focus on user experience.
Used: PHP/Laravel/PostgreSQL


2022 - MSc, Computer Science, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Natal/Brazil. Advisor: Monica Magalhães Pereira (UFRN).

2020 - B.Tech, Systems Analysis and Development (with honors), Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte - Natal/Brazil. Advisor: Jorgiano Márcio Bruno Vidal (IFRN).

2016 - Technician diploma in Informatics, Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte - Natal/Brazil.


National and International Conferences

Lavinia M. Miranda, Márcio E. Kreutz. LLVM Pass to identify parallelism options. VI WORKSHOP NPITI - WIE DAY 2020.

Lavinia M. Miranda, Monica M. Pereira, Jorgiano B. Vidal. LLVM-ACT: Profiling Based Tool for Approximate Computing Technique Selection. XII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering - 2022.


Languages: C/C++, Java, Python, PHP, Javascript, HTML/CSS.

Tools: Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Latex, Docker.

Systems: Linux (Ubuntu, Mint), Windows.

Data & Others: MySQL, PostgreSQL.